Many organisations hesitate about buying in PR services because they reckon they can do it in-house, that the marketing director can do it or it can be added to the sales people's objectives, or it will make an ambitious administrators job more agreeable. Buying a monthly retainer contract with a PR agency - plus the cost of the management time to make the relationship work - doesn't suit everybody.
I am very willing to let you and your colleagues do the actual nitty gritty of PR yourselves. A lot of PR is practical, straightforward stuff and anyone competent at administration who can either write or learn to write effectively can do it, with some mentoring and support. I would work with you to define who takes responsibility for what and to create a plan that you can implement within your organisation that is appropriate, effective, achieveable and realistic.
I can either draw up an annual plan and back away or come back to check on how it is working on a regular basis, monthly or quarterly or bi-annually or annually.
Getting involved in PR and marketing activity can be very motivating for employees, the prospect of adding to skills and experience can keep a good employee with you for longer.